LET Health LLC proudly brings you the latest R&D in natural pain management and “electronic healing”.

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“LET Medical Recommendations for COSMODIC Therapy”
Effective drug-free pain management with COSMODIC ENS therapy. Our biofeedback devices are your perfect Health Assistants!
Pain… Friend or Foe?
Judging by our efforts to eradicate it with painkillers, we treat it as an enemy… which keeps coming back. What if we start seeing it as a friend desperately trying to warn us about danger? What if instead of habitually muting the body with painkillers we start listening to it and pay attention to the real problem? What if we had an aid to help the body resolve that problem ending the pain once and for all?
That’s exactly what COSMODIC ® and ENS ® do. These cutting-edge electronic energy healing technologies listen to the feedback from the body, adapt to the body, and dramatically enhance and accelerate natural healing ing the body to its original state like nothing ever happened.
Sounds like Sci-Fi? Indeed. SKENAR was considered a prototype of the Star Trek healing device ever since it was first developed for the Russian Space Program more than 30 years ago. Pioneered by its inventor Dr. Alexander Karasev, SKENAR has evolved into COSMODIC ® and recently ENS ® – more profound and regenerative forms of adaptive electrical stimulation capable of reaching the Informational Matrix of the body, our core programming.
LET Health LLC is proud to be bringing to the market this latest R&D in the area of natural pain management.
Best COSMODIC ENS Prices in Effect!
NOTE from Dr. Alexander Karasev
Evolutionary development in a spiral is a Cosmic Law which guides the whole Universe, and no power on Earth can change it.
The first feedback-based electro stem device that could successfully treat people was designed in 1976, and I called it ENS-01. Then there were ENS-02, ENS-03… and the latter has become a legend and a progenitor of all SKENAR devices. It possessed some unique therapeutic qualities that could not be quite explained or, at that time, replicated.
When I founded “LET Medical”, we released in mass production a device called SKENAR-035, which has gained popularity all over the world for its inimitable treatment effects and strong and lasting pain relief. However, it was still far from the powerful results of the ENS. Moving forward, in the beginning of a new millennium we have created more advanced method of treatment — COSMODIC (as in “cosmos”). It has dramatically increased the range of applications and the depth of results, and now we could talk about creating a new trend in medicine.
Today, following the evolutionary Cosmic Law, in a spiral, we are coming back to where we started, but on a new quality level. After forty years, the secret of the original ENS has been finally uncovered, and we are happy to introduce a new era of drug-free therapy that is capable of reaching our informational space and correct the body’s programming. And we call it ENS therapy.
Inventor and founder of COSMODIC and ENS therapy
Alexander Karasev