Simply the Best
ENS is the latest in the evolution of COSMODIC technology, “the third generation” of adaptive electrical stimulation that alongside COSMODIC offers another healing technology – ENS (“the beginning” of COSMODIC now decoded and implemented on a new quality level). LET Medical ENS is a sophisticated professional device which, however, is simple enough in operation and handling to be used in home settings.
ENS therapy is a logical continuation of COSMODIC therapy in the more advanced implementation. To put it simply, it is a big SKENAR stimulus + small stimuli of COSMODIC + “informational” stimuli. ENS therapy based on informational stimuli has allowed more accurately approach the informational space of the body and get resonance responses from virtually all its cells. It is a therapy that permits the body to restore its original design, its innate programming – and in doing so return the “inner smile” to our entire being (something noticed by virtually everyone using the ENS).
Correct programming means that you become the best version of yourself, the best you can be – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and with ENS you always know that you simply have the best non-invasive treatment option available anywhere, for your family or your practice.
NOTE: all our devices come with a complementary Virtual Training (PDF downloads, 50+ articles, 80+ videos) designed to help you get quick and profound results with your new COSMODIC or ENS.
- IMPORTANT. This item is in high demand. Please ask us about availability before ordering.
David Lajeunesse –
I have been using the COSMODIC SCENAR for almost a year, then I upgraded to the ENS. I have been in practice for 30 years as a chiropractor, and I use many devices such as PEMF and Laser therapy. I have to say since using this technology I have expanded my ability to treat a wide variety of conditions.
To date, I have helped 6 females with full incontinence, with 1-2 treatments. I have treated the standard areas of pain (neck/low back, shoulder, knee etc.) with tremendous results. I have had great success with 7 points on face with sinus, clarity, and wellbeing. I treated 2 nose bleeds (one was having bleeds daily with nose pain) with amazing results, meaning 1-2 treatments completely stopped the bleeds! I have had amazing results with the liver, thyroid, and GI.
I can honestly say this technology is an absolute game changer, and I can’t imagine not having it in my practice after using it. I just want to thank your team for bringing this technology to humanity, and I can only hope more people start using this.
In Gratitude
David Lajeunesse, Doctor of Chiropractic
Pines Chiropractic & Laser Center
AB, Canada
Phil Cooke (verified owner) –
My wife has said it all really above but for me the best thing is seeing her walking again getting up from a chair instantly instead of needing a LIFT CHAIR and a STICK to get upright then struggling to get going as the pain kicked in worse and her muscles refused to work. The transformation is unbelievable. A few hours after her “miracle” she was out bending weeding the garden, something she has not been able to do for many years. I was truly amazed. Her sense of humour is back and we are both laughing and even singing again – something we have not done for a long time.
When you are in pain all the time you don’t realize how you SHOULD feel. The ENS rectifies that and is an amazing concept way above the heads of the “lame”stream medics who don’t want to even know about it. The writing is on the wall for all doctors now with this. So glad we invested in the ENS… what price do you put on your health and you just don’t know how much pain you are in until it stops… and it did instantly for my wife and another lady that visited over Xmas.
I have a sore hip so hope the ENS will save me from a hip replacement operation. I am already standing up better and walking better and getting some strange sensations down my bad leg which are not painful, just never ever felt this sort of thing before as the ENS kick starts things. Also means I can eat all the things that used to give me gout (the list was growing!) as the ENS on the kidneys instantly took away the growing gout redness on my toe! We have also found by comparing notes we have both experienced a strange thing that when a pain appears and stays there enough to make you go for the ENS as soon as you even reach to get the ENS out of its pouch… the pain goes away! BEFORE you have switched it on. We both had this happen and thought we imagined it, which could mean this has a “field” around it that interacts on a whole new level. Maybe on a higher consciousness level?
All I know is that I wish we had found out about this technology years ago but we sure will spread the word now. Feel like standing out on the street shouting, “Anyone wants healing?”. I am sure you would soon draw a crowd if it worked for others like it did for my wife. Can highly recommend the ENS – so simple to use for anyone and WORKS. Thank you so much for perfecting this after so many years of research, you can be very proud of this amazing technology.
Sandi Cooke (verified owner) –
WOW WHAT TECHNOLOGY. We have used the ENS for less than 10 MINUTES on the first go and it cured me of the pain and inability to move that I have suffered with for more than 50 years. I AM BLOWN AWAY and crying tears of hapiness as I have seen everyone with an “ology” in both the UK and New Zealand who said they could do nothing for me and it was a “pain syndrome” !!! Rubbish!! These mainstream doctors dont know anything, the ENS knows it all and whats more actually helps you heal INSTANTLY. You can almost feel the love and care it gives out as is PAINLESSLY fixes things from gout to migrane, worn out muscles to sore kidneys and BAD BACKS!! .We have only had this less than a week and have had amazing results and already ticked many items off our health issue list. We have many more to go so will give the ENS a lot to work on but the feeling of well being is awesome, sleeping and eating better and we feel like we have been “oiled” and that inner grin is real.
We recommend the ENS version ( the only one to go for as anyone can use it! ) WELL WORTH THE MONEY. We could have easily spent that on a fancy clinic for a week without any results but now we have this for the rest of our lives, which the way we feel after just a few hours using it could be extended… we already feel and LOOK younger!!. Not a bad side effect!! So much so that we are going to cancel our health insurance policy which means in just over a year the premiums we save will have paid for the ENS. We are THAT confident. Don’t let the price put you off… it is worth WAY WAY MORE to feel this good this quick… and no more fruitless visits to doctors! We are just ordinary working people so this was a huge investment for us but I knew where this technology came from and I don’t mean Russia!! it goes WAY beyond there … so I knew that it WOULD work.. and it did instantly!! and can do so for you. The people at LET Medical who are also awesome know what they have is literally “out of this world” and can and WILL fix all your health issues. We are so pleased to have been able to buy one and am happy to recommend it. Everyone should have one!!. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. I could go on but they said be brief!!!
Sandi Cooke
New Zealand
unitywithlove (verified owner) –
I have had my ENS for almost a year and Love it! It goes everywhere with me! It has helped so many clients of mine to heal completely to the point that a lot of the issues they came in with no longer cause them any more problems. I never tire of working with it and am still amazed of what relief it brings myself and others. Truly a blessing! Thank you.
Oleg –
We purchased two devices to share. The earlier DOVE device model we gave to mom, and she is happy with it. It helps her stay pain-free most of the time.
ENS is a wonderful device – and the design is superb. Of course you need to study training and read a lot, and watching videos from this site help. There is a lot of information in their virtual training. It, however, would be nice if the DVDs they have could be downloaded and not just ordered on discs.
LET Health –
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, we are planning to have our DVDs as downloads in the near future.