ENS ® — “the Beginning”
According to Dr. Alexander Karasev, ENS was “the enigma that started it all”. It came even before SKENAR, in 1976, first as the ENS-01 and later as the ENS-03 – the progenitor of all SKENAR devices.
ENS-03 was an adaptive electrical stimulator – and yet, it possessed some “spark”, some mysterious essence that made it almost magically effective. Any attempt to modify the device, even ever so slightly, and/or bring it in compliance with the required medical device standards would destroy that essence and render the ENS almost useless (turn in to TENS).
In Alexander Karasev’s own words, he was chasing that “spark” ever since designing many versions of SKENAR and COSMODIC along the way, and only now, 33 years later, he was able to partially recreate “the spark” in the new ENS.
ENS is a logical continuation of COSMODIC in the more advanced implementation. To put it simply, it is a big SKENAR stimulus + small stimuli of COSMODIC + “informational” stimuli.
ENS is like the Russian “matryoshka” doll, in which the inserted informational stimuli create an informational “snowball” synthesized by the body itself through the feedbacks coming straight from the site of pathology. Eventually, the body starts processing the accumulated in the “snowball” information so intensively that becomes capable of getting resonance responses from virtually all its cells and activating all its resources in order to overcome the disease.
In the good old ENS-03, the body response through the spurious feedbacks was explicitly causing anomalies (“sparks”) creating additional impulses (informational stimuli) at every burst of reaction – and that’s what brought such dramatic treatment effect. And now that “the spark” has been decoded it became possible to purposefully implement it in the new generation of SKENAR devices – ENS (the “third generation SKENARs”).
According to Alexander Karasev, ENS is not actually a stand-alone technology. It is “the beginning”, the essence that allows SKENAR and COSMODIC work much better. It is something that permits the body to restore its original design, it’s innate programming – and in doing so return the “inner smile” to our entire being (something noticed by virtually everyone using the ENS).
ENS helps the body “reflect on itself”, go to the beginning – and in doing so
restore its original Informational Matrix, the one the body had before the disease.
In the article below, you can read the ENS story in Alexander Karasev‘s own words. He talks about LET Medical’s first successful SKENAR-type device and about 33 years later, following the Cosmic law of spiral evolution, creating “yet another perfection, but for our time” in LET Medical’s newest device – ENS, the “third generation” SKENAR.
SKENAR is a Thing from the Last Century
by Dr. Alexander Karasev,
head of LET Medical Research Laboratory of Medical Electronics, RussiaYes, it is true. I have invented SKENAR in the last century!
Indeed, human health and wellbeing have benefited from this unique technology of treatment for a few decades. Speaking frankly, however, it is quite old and today, in the time of nanotechnologies, this method of treatment seems rather coarse.