Is there such a secret? Isn’t the SKENAR’s unquestionable strong ability to battle your pain simply a matter of “just do it – the more the better”?
Actually, no. There is, in fact, a secret – the one that may be difficult to comprehend and accept, if you look at the body as “the sum of its parts” conventional medical approach and expect SKENAR therapy to be a “book of recipes” for specific conditions.
Don’t get me wrong. Even if you do go only by the “SKENAR recipe book”, it will still work; the SKENAR technology is that powerful. Yet in order for it to work much better and for you to have a real success with SKENAR, you need to follow the footsteps of the SKENAR “forefathers” and look at SKENAR therapy as they did: not just a set of protocols to be performed ON the body, but a DIALOG with the body. That’s what makes THESE RESULTS possible.

The classical SKENAR therapy is quite different from almost any other type of therapy, conventional or holistic. It teaches you to LISTEN to the body, to UNDERSTAND the body, and to give it just enough help, at just the right time, on just the right place in order to jump-start and accelerate the body’s own powerful healing mechanisms.
When you know all these “just right” factors, you really don’t need to do much work to get great results. In SKENAR therapy it is called “the Principle of Small Sufficiency”, or maximum results with minimum efforts, or when less is more. (SKENAR therapy is based on several fundamental principles taught by the Russian SKENAR school.)
That, of course, becomes possible because of the SKENAR’s unique ability to read the biofeedback from the body and know at all times what the body is at. Unlike any other therapy, SKENAR therapy does not demand the body adapting to it; it adapts to the body instead, mirrors it, and then gently leads it along the healing path.
When you consider such shift in control over treatment from the device to the body, then the mighty DIAGNOSIS loses a part of its power, doesn’t it? Understanding the body, trusting it, and following its lead becomes more important than performing the standard protocols from the “SKENAR recipe book” – and much more effective.
Classical SKENAR therapy teaches us how to do that. That’s why it is so important that we don’t forget its main principles; that we don’t retreat to the familiar and comfortable “treat as per the label” approach, and give a due credit to the body’s wisdom and power.
If you want to know the secret to success with SKENAR, stop looking for labels – look for signs. Learn to see, to listen, to understand what the body is trying to tell you, and when you do, assist it without overwhelming and trying to comprehend WHY it is so (as we, humans, always tend to do).
Don’t dictate to the body, TALK to it – and TRUST its wisdom.
It is no different than in any relationship: if you want it to work, LEARN to LISTEN.