
lymphatic system in brain

New Discovery in Neuroscience and What It Means to You

Left – how it was viewed before; right – how it is viewed now That is not often that real breakthroughs happen in the brain studies – and the latest one will, apparently, overturn decades of textbook teachings in medical schools. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain…
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bounce back

COSMODIC Protocols: BOUNCE BACK When You Feel Off-Balance

Imagine: you wake up in the morning refreshed and full of energy, do your Morning Ritual, enjoy your morning meal, kiss your loved ones and wish everybody a good day hearing the same in return, leave your house with a smile and anticipation of a productive day… and then life intervenes. There will be many…
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Energy Cleanse

COSMODIC Protocols: Energy Cleanse Technique

There are many situations in daily life in general (and in the practice of a holistic healer in particular) when the body is stuck in unhealthy energetic patterns – or a recent encounter created a major disturbance in the energy flow in the body. This may result in fatigue, low energy, ‘foggy brain’, headaches, mood swings,…
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Emotional detox

COSMODIC Protocols: Emotional Detox

Did you know that SKENAR and, especially, COSMODIC are capable of bringing up and cleansing you from ‘negative energy’ that we can potentially pick up from negative people in our surrounding? We are using the term ‘negative energy’ very loosely, because energy cannot be negative or positive. Energy is just energy; it is neutral by…
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EBB Before&After

COSMODIC Protocols: Ear-Brain Balancing

EAR-BRAIN BALANCING with COSMODIC and Shungite Electrodes The new Ear-Brain Balancing Protocol (EBB) for SKENAR and COSMODIC devices with Shungite electrodes was designed and presented at the HB University 6-14 Interactive Workshop for EX735Ag Slider Enthusiasts by Nicole Pigeault, stress reduction specialist and a powerful energy healer from Los Angeles, CA. Nicole works with many…
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