Month: January 2017

SCENAR SKENAR Feedback-cycle

What is SKENAR – Your PHA (Personal Health Assistant)

SKENAR – Your PHA (Personal Health Assistant) SKENAR (SKENAR) stands for Self-Controlled Energy Neuro-Adaptive Regulator (or Regulation), and it is the name given to both the technology as well as the family of devices. What is SKENAR? SKENAR (SKENAR) is holistic in nature. It is an energy healing technology that aligns and strengthens the natural healing system…
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Scenar evolution

Alexander Karasev – “the Father of All SKENARs”

Alexander KARASEV – a mystery behindCOSMODIC, and ENS Evolution of COSMODIC Dr. Alexander Karasev, the SKENAR inventor, the Head of LET Medical Research Laboratory in Taganrog, Russia, and a Master Designer of more than 50 models of SKENAR devices, is probably the most mysterious figure in the SKENAR World. “The Father of all SKENARs” seriously dislikes a spotlight considering it an interruption in a…
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