Month: July 2017

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COSMODIC Therapy ABC: The Secret of Small Asymmetry

The Small Asymmetry © Dr. Irina K, 2004 I hope this short article not only explains the phenomenon of Small Asymmetry (SA) but also conveys the uniqueness of SKENAR as the most dynamic and adaptive method of non-invasive therapy; the one that allows a real-time dialogue with the body, in which the SA is a…
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COSMODIC EX715 new white

COSMODIC Results: New COSMODIC 715 – just for Beauty or Much More?

COSMODIC EX715Ag was initially released to the world in 2005 as the first-ever fully COSMODIC device. It was designed mostly for women with enhanced cosmetology features – and COSMODIC 715 definitely had a lady-like personality: sophisticated, elegant, efficient, but often capricious, temperamental, and unpredictable. Overall, amazing and beautiful – and not easy to love. Besides,…
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