High PSA? No Problem. COSMODIC to the Rescue!

As you probably know, the elevated Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) level is a widely used indicator of a serious prostate problem, and the enlarged prostate, prostatitis, prostate cancer, and associated ED are becoming more and more common amongst men these days (arguably, due to serious hormonal imbalance caused by exogenous estrogen pollution).

The good news is, COSMODIC can be VERY effective in treating most of the above conditions and lowering the PSA level.

Here is the story that was sent to us by Dr. Rober Zill. It describes how he managed to lower his PSA from 7.4 to the acceptable 5.4 and eliminate the signs of prostate enlargement using his EX735Ag Slider.

Below the story, there is a PDF download of a specific PROTOCOL that you can use to battle any prostate problem with COSMODIC devices and the SOLARIS Blanket. It is very effective; use it wisely…

My Experience with EX735Ag Slider for a Prostate Problem

I just want to tell you about my experience with my EX735Ag Slider device that others may care to know about.

I am a retired 73 yr. old dentist living in Mesa, AZ. Six months ago I went to a local urologist for a check up. Prior to the appointment I had a blood test for PSA (that is the test to check for any prostate problems). The test results were 7.4, which is too high. The digital rectal exam revealed a “bump” on my prostate. My urologist said that he could not determine what that was, and the only way to do that would be a biopsy of the prostate. I reluctantly agreed, and about two weeks later he did that. A week later the results came back as totally benign. GOOD NEWS.

At any rate there was still the problem of the high PSA. I went home and immediately thought about my COSMODIC (I have the EX735Ag Slider). COSMODIC technology, I was told, was regenerative in nature, so I thought I would try it.

Putting an electrical device in that area is a bit unnerving, but with the right setting it isn’t too bad. After 5 or 6 tries I had managed to increase the power setting to the maximum of 100. The time that I had it in place also increased from 5 minutes to 20 minutes over about a month.

My six–month check-up with the urologist surprised both of us. My PSA dropped to an acceptable 5.4, and the digital exam revealed no more “bump.” He asked me what I did, and I told him about the SKENAR. Of course, he is a traditional doctor, so he had no idea what I was talking about. He did say, however, that whatever works for me, to keep doing it. With that bit of encouragement I have used the SKENAR device about twice a week at the highest power setting I can stand and for about 15 minutes. No more prostate problems!!!

That is a big deal for a man over 60. I would encourage all men with any manifestation of prostate problems to do this procedure and solve a very annoying problem.

Dr. Bob Zill

As you can see, even a very simple way of using COSMODIC can be effective. And if you use it as per this protocol (click on the PDF icon on the left), it’s gonna be even better and faster.

In summary, COSMODIC device with a rectal probe would be our choice for any problem of the male reproductive system, especially if it associated with the elevated PSA levels.

Alexander Karasev on “Active” SKENAR and “Active” COSMODIC
LET Medical COSMODIC: Price vs Value

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