COSMODIC Therapy ABC: ‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of SKENAR

‘Highs’ and ‘Lows’ of SKENAR

It is a very common question in SKENAR therapy, “Should I work on high readings – or low readings?” We hear it over and over again. Obviously, there is some confusion over the issue since different sources give different recommendations. Let us offer you some thoughts on the matter.

When we measure the Initial Reaction (IR) that gives us the initial readings we do not measure the stable parameter (say, a voltage), but rather the speed of its dynamic change. The higher the speed the higher the IR.

IR shows the level of reactivity of the body in the designated area and characterizes the condition of adaptive reactions – local and general.

We would strongly caution practitioners against common but too simplistic interpretations of the IR as being indicative of ‘inflamed’ (>35), normal (25-35) or ‘degenerative’ (<25) conditions of the area being measured. In here we are quoting often used gradation and terminology suggested by Dr. Jerry Tennant (the author of “Healing Is Voltage” and a creator of a SKENAR-type BioModulator device), even though in the classical SKENAR therapy the 1st IR corridor of 18-25 has always been considered ‘average’, not low and certainly not ‘degenerative’. It is not that straightforward.

Try a simple experiment. Measure IRs along the spine of a person before and after a series of, say, sit-ups or any other kind of physical activity. You will see a different, higher, corridor ‘after’. Is that a result of the increased tissue voltage and ‘inflammation’? More likely, you just have a different type of adaptive reaction (say, an activation reaction instead of a training reaction). Informational processes in the body are now running faster, thus resulting in a faster change of the parameters of the initial SKENAR signal. This situation is dynamic and can change back in a few minutes, if you decide not to pursue your experiment further to see, how high can the ‘highs’ go…

IRs are usually indicative of the adaptivity, generally or locally, and show the speed of adaptive reactions in the area. More often than not, areas of inflammation are ‘energetic’ with a high speed of adaptive reactions and high IRs. Areas of degeneration lack life and the speed of adaptive reactions (and, consequently, IR readings) are low. However, the correlation is not linear. You can have cheerfully high IRs over the areas of obvious degeneration, and that’s probably when you want to work on it.

See, in SKENAR technology we mostly work on ‘highs’ – because the body works on ‘highs’.

Areas of high IRs show you where the highest body dynamics is, ‘here and now’. You are looking for the highest high because it represents the smallest Small Asymmetry, the body’s priority and its focus at the moment. It only makes sense to support the body in its healing efforts, rather than try to change its plan of action.

The body has its own intelligence (as well as each and every cell in it), and one of the major ‘highs’ of SKENAR therapy is the ability to put this intelligence to work instead of competing with it. The aim of any SKENAR procedure is to reveal, to discover (and we are not using the verb ‘to understand’ on purpose) the body’s ‘plan of action’, and to follow it, enhancing every step and thus increasing the body’s efficiency. The body will show its priorities in small asymmetries (found while ‘brushing’ the skin in Subjective mode or taking readings in Objective mode – and this will not necessarily correspond), and the dynamics of asymmetries will lead the treatment.

The skill of a SKENAR therapist is in the ability to identify the small asymmetry, to separate it from other asymmetries and, by changing its condition, provide for the major dynamic change in the entire system. The smaller and the more intensive the selected small asymmetry, the faster will be the dynamic changes in the system and the more profound will be changes on the healing path. This is called ‘the principle of small sufficiency’, and it is one of the cornerstones of the SKENAR therapy.

You may still wonder though, ‘What to do with the low readings, especially if they correspond to the area of complaint?’ Let us remind you that IR readings are very dynamic and will change as the body resolves its issues one by one and moves the focus to the ‘degenerative’ areas. When the body’s attention is there, the initial readings will go high, and then come down to ‘normal’ as the issue is being resolved and the energetic metabolism of the area is restored.

Of course, there is a particular case when the system is low on energy in general and ALL IR readings are in the ‘0’ corridor – and we wouldn’t necessarily assume that this implies an acidic state with low pH and a low tissue voltage (energy exists in various forms and not necessarily has to be electric). It just may be an adaptation reaction of training, or low level of reactivity, or the state of areactivity etc. As a rule, the adaptivity state changes after 2-3 SKENAR sessions and numbers move into a higher corridor, along with the improvement in a general state, mood, appetite, and productivity.

This will happen faster if you utilize special ‘energizing’ SKENAR protocols and techniques and/or using other energy-enhancing and body cleansing methods available to you and accompanied by the corrected nutrition. We find that SKENAR can optimize the use of energy resources of the body and improve the energy consumption from the environment, yet SKENAR does not ‘supply energy’ per se. Therefore, if you have at your disposal a bioenergy-enhancement technique and/or device(s), it is good to use in almost any case (strong bioenergy fields are extremely rare lately, which any EAV or Nakatani testing will prove).

Hopefully, we managed to convince you that it is inappropriate to use the term ‘normal’ in assessing the readings. Average’ would be a better term. There are also no readings that a client ‘should have’. Numbers are there for us to optimize the treatment and monitor the client’s dynamic changes, that’s all. These changes are unpredictable because they depend on many different factors. Thus, the IR changes are also unpredictable and non-specific (meaning their change cannot be directly linked to the change in the physiologic condition of underlying tissues).

So, don’t torture yourself and your client trying to get the ‘normal’ readings. Just go with the flow and smile regardless if you are getting ‘highs’ or ‘lows’. As long as you are seeing changes, everything is OK.

Remember: SKENAR is all about DYNAMICS. In SKENAR therapy, Any Change Is a Good One.

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