SKENAR Results: Summary of Russian COSMODIC Therapy Experience

Summary of Russian SKENAR Therapy Experience

Figures are based on the experience and reports of Russian SKENAR therapy practitioners published in the annual digests SKENAR Therapy and SKENAR Assessment 1997 – 2007.

Diseases of the Muscles, Ligaments, and Bones:

– Osteoarthritis; gout; sprained, strained, and torn ligaments; torn meniscus; rotator cuff; deformities and contractures of fingers and toes; bulged spinal discs; stiff joints; pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders; frozen shoulder; scoliosis; pinched nerves; upper, lower, and middle back pain; sciatica; lumbago; muscle atrophy; bursitis; tendonitis; muscle pain; paraplegia; osteoporosis etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 79%.

Diseases of the Heart, Blood and Lymph:

High blood pressure; low blood pressure; angina; atherosclerotic heart disease; cardiac arrest; heart failure; stroke consequences; vertigo; headache; atherosclerosis; thrombophlebitis; varicose veins; hemorrhoids; lymphadenitis and lymphoedema etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 82%.

Diseases of the Throat and Lungs:

– “Common cold”; flu; sinusitis; sore throat; laryngitis; bronchitis; abscess of nose and/or throat; pneumonia; asthma; emphysema; pleuritis; respiratory failure etc.).

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 84%.

Diseases of the Digestive System:

– Dyspepsia; nausea; heartburn; indigestion; upset stomach; gastritis and stomach ulcer; colitis; Chron’s disease; irritable bowel syndrome; constipation; diarrhea; anal fissures; alcoholic and toxic liver diseases; hepatitis; cirrhosis of liver; cholecystitis and gallbladder stones; pancreatitis etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 93%.

Diseases of Urinary System and Male Genital Organs:

– Kidney infections and inflammation; kidney failure; kidney transplant; kidney stones; bladder infections; overactive bladder; interstitial cystitis; urethritis etc.

– Enlarged prostate; inflammation of prostate; testicular problems; male infertility etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 89%.

Disorders of Female Genital Tract; Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium:

– Fibrocystic breasts; mastitis; inflammations and infections of ovaries, tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva; endometriosis; ovarian cysts; erosion and polyps of cervix; painful, excessive or irregular periods; vaginal dryness; PMS; hot flashes and other menopausal disorders; female infertility etc.

-Disorders of pregnancy: morning sickness, bleeding in early pregnancy; excessive vomiting and various veins; vaginal and urethral infections; swelling; kidney inefficiency; liver disorders in pregnancy etc.

– Childbirth disorders: weak labor; bleeding; maternal distress and depression; baby stress and asphyxia; various complications of anaesthesia in labor; severe baby bruising; torn soft tissues; mastitis; cracked nipple; suppressed lactation etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 78%.

Diseases of the Nervous System:

– Meningitis; multiple sclerosis; ALS; Parkinson’s; epilepsy; migraine and other headache syndromes; sleep disorders; inflammation of trigeminal, facial and other cranial nerves; Bell’s palsy; trigeminal pain; nerve compressions; phantom limb syndrome; inflammatory and toxic neuropathy; cerebral palsy; hemiplegia, paraplegia and tetraplegia; Turette’s etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 81%.

Diseases of the Ear:

– Inflammations of the outer and inner ear and Eustachian tube; hearing loss; tinnitus; ruptured eardrums; mastoiditis; loss of equilibrium etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 82%.

Eye Disorders:

– Inflammations of eyelids (blepharitis) and conjunctiva (conjunctivitis); corneal inflammations, scars and opacities; uveitis; blood in the eye; glaucoma; macular degeneration; vitreous haemorrhage; optic nerve inflammation and atrophy; “lazy eye”; postsurgical conditions and light sensitivity; eye dryness etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 93%.

Diseases of Mouth and Teeth:

– Dental caries and toothache; sensitive teeth; abscessed teeth; root canal teeth; cavitations; gingivitis; periodontosis; abscess of saliva gland; inflammations of mouth and tongue etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 91%.

Skin Diseases:

– Skin Infections: acne, pimples and boils; dermatitis; cellulitis; acute lymphadenitis; eczema, neurodermatitis; diaper rash; itchy skin; allergic and irritant contact dermatitis; psoriasis; sunburn and other radiation-related disorders; alopetia; skin scratches, cuts, and ulcers etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 68%.

Injuries and Traumas:

– Abrasions; blisters; contusions, incl. bruise and haematoma; insect bites; open wounds – animal bite; cut; laceration; puncture wound; fractures; dislocations, sprains and strains of joints and ligaments; injuries to nerves and spinal cord; transient paralysis; paraplegia; quadriplegia; injuries to blood vessels; injuries to muscles and tendons; crushing injuries; injuries to internal organs etc.

– Burns and corrosions (thermal burns from electrical heating appliances, electricity, flame, friction, hot air and hot gases, hot objects, lightning, radiation; chemical burns, external and internal; scalds); Frostbites; Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substanses; toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedical as to source; effects of radiation; effects of heat and light; hypothermia; effects of air and water pressure; asphyxiation; effects of certain deprivation, as effects of hunger, thirst; physical or intellectual exhaustion; maltreatment syndromes; allergic shock and anaphylactic reactions; consequences and complications of trauma, including surgical and other medical traumas.

In this entire group the application of SKENAR therapy was shown to be extremely effective. Effectiveness of SKENAR therapy was proved to be in direct dependence of possibility to use the device in the earliest period after trauma.

Other SKENAR therapy applications:

Certain infections and parasitic diseases (cold sores and genital herpes; herpes zoster; trichomoniasis; gonococcal and chlamidial infections; acute viral hepatitis A,B,C,E; chronic viral hepatitis B,C; infectious mononucleosis; whooping-cough; superficial candidiasis (yeast infection); tape worms etc.).

Immune system disorders (haemophilia; allergies and allergic rash; immunodeficiencies; autoimmune disorders (such as fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, IBS etc.)

– Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases (diseases of thyroid gland – hypothyroidism, goitre; thyreotoxicosis; diabetes mellitus; ovarian and testicular dysfunctions; metabolic disorders.

Mental and behavioural disorders (amnesia; dementia; substance abuse and addictions; hysteria; depression; phobias; anxiety; stress-related conditions, such as an acute stress reaction, post-traumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorders etc.; hypohondriacal disorder; cardiac or gastric neurosis; neurocirculatory asthenia, psychogenic forms of aerophagy, cough, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, pylorospasm, irritable bowel syndrome, dysuria etc., psychalgias; neurasthenia; eating and sleep disorders, sexual dysfunctions; autism; tic disorders, nonorganic enuresis, stammering etc.

Average effectiveness of SKENAR therapy in this group was shown to be 81%

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • connie chapelle
    06/02/2021 7:35 PM

    for blood pressure diabetes where and how to treat

    • Nell Vasilieva
      08/02/2021 3:04 PM

      Hi Connie,

      Here is the thing about SCENAR COSMODIC methodology: there are no “recipe books” for particular ailments (aka labels). It is a completely different approach from how conventional medicine persistently teaches you to think. There, DIAGNOSIS is the King: when you can label a disease, there is a recipe to follow to battle it. And when you can’t… well, too bad, no treatment for you.

      In SCENAR COSMODIC therapy, diagnosis (or a lack of such) is not paramount, especially when you are dealing with systemic issues such as HBP and diabetes. Here, a COMPLAINT is the King (or Queen). What we do is helping the body to deal with the problem trusting its wisdom and knowledge. We are not overthinking, not guessing, not even attempting to understand what the body has to deal with – we just following its efforts to fix the problem helping every step of the way. The body knows best – and when it needs help, it will let us know where and when. How? Well, you guessed it – through COMPLAINTS (symptoms: pain, headache, motion restriction, nausea, swelling etc, whatever it may be). And so we work on those trying to speed up the body’s healing reactions and make the complaints go away as soon as possible (and they will – but only AFTER the FUNCTION is restored, the one that complaints point you to; in healing function always takes priority because it is what’s important for living).

      There may be several complaints present at the same time. We need to choose ONE, MAIN complaint, work on it – and then (when it subsides) reassess and move to the next one (that became main). And we are checking and assessing functions in parallel in the same way as we go along. Practically, it looks like this.

      We usually ask a client, before the session begins, to close her eyes, listen to her body, and tell us, on the scale from 0 to 10, where is the most “bothersome” place HERE and NOW (not yesterday, not this morning – NOW). There most likely will be several places with problems, but you start with the highest number, even if the place is far away from what you THINK should be treated. Then we check and assess on the 0-10 scale the loss of functions of the affected area. Reassess after you treating for a while – and go to the next highest number. The body will eventually move you to where you need to be. It is trying to talk to you through the symptoms and complains, so listen to it and help it.

      NOTE: it is the “discomfort” number, not necessarily the “pain” number; nausea or vertigo is not pain as such, but it is a major discomfort, so it counts. If nausea is the worst thing at the moment – treat the Solar plexus and stomach projection, as well as the T4-5 vertebrae on the back (the corresponding vertebrae and the symmetry). If it is vertigo, concentrate on the base of the skull, carotid arteries, and point around ears. But if it is a pain in the wrist or a shoulder – do that first. And so on – regardless of the DIAGNOSIS in your client’s papers.

      I would suggest to forget about the assessment numbers on the device in the beginning and go with the subjective assessment as I described above. Sometimes it may be less confusing and more illuminating as your client gets more aware of his/her body (and does not rely that much on you and your smart device). After all all we are trying to do is to increase the body’s awareness of the problem and its origin – and for that the body needs to remember how to reflect on itself and get more clarity on its own condition.

      As you continue on the treatment course, the affected functions will slowly start to return. Sometimes that may be accompanied with temporary increase in complaints, just because the body have forgotten how to do certain things, and now it is coming back to life and remembering – and pain helps it remember. But as soon as the body gets its functions back, pain is not needed anymore – and it will fade away, this time for good. That’s the basic methodology of SCENAR and COSMODIC therapy.

      I know, it is difficult to let go of the habitual way of thinking of a “recipe” for every disease. But that’s the beauty of the technology: it is virtually impossible to know all the recipes for all the diseases – and now you don’t have to. Just trust the body, try to understand what it is trying to tell you – and follow giving it help it need where and when it needs it. That’s all.

      Does diagnosis matter to us? Yes, it still does. We still have a set of standard protocols (most of them are described in the “COSMODIC User Guide”) that we apply in different combinations for certain conditions because practice shows that it is the most efficient way and because these protocols serve as practice-proven guidelines (which are just that, guidelines, and can be changed “on the go”). For example, the ANS Balancing Protocol for HBP (Note: the video is done with the first generation SCENAR, but you can use your VX735 in the SCENAR mode just the same.) And in case of diabetes, if there are no particular complaints, you just concentrate on the organ that is causing the problem – the pancreas (or rather its projection on the front and the corresponding vertebrae on the back.

      So, read the COSMODIC User Guide, especially the last part that discusses how to address acute and chronic problems. There are also videos in our Fast Start Track that demonstrate a lot of the protocols and their use for certain conditions.

      Overall, what we mostly try to give the users of our devices is not the sets of standard algorithms triggered by certain “labels” but rather a set of tools that they can creatively use in various combinations custom-tailoring their therapy to the the ever-changing “here and now” body needs. If you let the body lead, with a little help it can do what’s needed to restore itself; it is designed to do so.

      Hope my answer was satisfactory.

      P.S. It is important, of course, to know the basis of anatomy, to know where certain organs are located, and where they are projected on the skin, as well as the ways energy flows through the body. So reflexology, chiropractic, and acupuncture charts are important to have handy.


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