COSMODIC Therapy ABC: How to Increase SKENAR Efficiency

COSMODIC Therapy ABC: How to Increase SKENAR Efficiency

Secrets to SKENAR Efficiency

In this short video Michael Larry Beasley, MS, LMT, NCTMB, AIBT, one of the leading experts on COSMODIC devices and technology, is sharing with you his recommendations on increasing the efficiency of your COSMODIC therapy.

You will learn:

  • The “PLACE” factor in SKENAR therapy: WHERE on the body you should work with your SKENAR device or COSMODIC device for max efficiency.
  • The “TIME” factor in SKENAR therapy and COSMODIC therapy: HOW LONG and HOW OFTEN to work.
  • The “POWER” factor: HOW MUCH POWER to apply.
  • The GOAL of SKENAR therapy.

P.P.S. To learn the secrets of SKENAR Efficiency from “the best of the best” SKENAR practitioner and trainer Dr. Yuri Gorfinkel GO HERE.

COSMODIC Protocols: Energy Cleanse Technique
COSMODIC Therapy ABS: Healing Crisis and Detox Reactions

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