This particular Protocol is definitely one of our favorites. We call it the “Cinderella Beauty Treatment”, because it addresses not only your external, but also the internal beauty. Used in this protocol, SKENAR devices and COSMODIC devices will rejuvenate not only your face, but also your heart.

SKENAR Beauty Treatment will iron out those worry wrinkles off your face, remove the puffiness of heartaches and wrestles nights, give a break to the muscles that forgot how to relax, release the locked in them sorrows, tears, worries, and exhaustion – and you will feel and look 10-20 years younger.

It’s pretty amazing what can happen if you go beyond just collagen… That is not to say that the collagen will not regenerate with time as well giving your skin a better tone and more youthful look. But there are other changes that are difficult to analyze; the changes that create the most miraculous and profound transformations within minutes; the changes that bring back the lightness, vibrancy, and joyfulness of your youth – it’s those changes we are after.

Look at Nancy (85). She was an attendee at the live workshop where we demonstrated the Cinderella Beauty Treatment. Would you like such transformation in two days? 🙂

Nancy Beforeand After

That’s how you do it. Watch the Cinderella Beauty Treatment with COSMODIC devices on this video from the 1st International USA SKENAR conference in Las Vegas in Oct. 2014.

You can use any genuine SKENAR device or COSMODIC device for this Protocol, but we’ve got the best results with the COSMODIC 715. And you definitely want the shungite remote electrodes – at least the 12mm or 16 mm mini-spheres; they make a BIG difference.

And it goes without saying that you need the SOLARIS Energy Blanket (you can manage without it, but it’s just that – “manage” :-)).

You are beautiful – let the world see it.

Your LET Health Team

COSMODIC Results: First EX735 SLIDER Case Studies
COSMODIC Protocols: Emotional Detox

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