EAR-BRAIN BALANCING with COSMODIC and Shungite Electrodes

The new Ear-Brain Balancing Protocol (EBB) for SKENAR and COSMODIC devices with Shungite electrodes was designed and presented at the HB University 6-14 Interactive Workshop for EX735Ag Slider Enthusiasts by Nicole Pigeault, stress reduction specialist and a powerful energy healer from Los Angeles, CA.

Nicole works with many energy healing modalities, but COSMODIC EX735Ag Slider x2 is one of her absolute favorites. The presented protocol was originally designed to deal with the consequences of chronic stress, which severely affects the balance of the hemispheres and our body balance in general, but Nicole soon discovered that it has a profound effect on the entire energy system of the body and our mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

The EBB protocols can be performed with SKENAR, but Nicole greatly prefers COSMODIC as being more gentle and profound. The Protocol requires a pair of small shungite electrodes (the higher quality shungite the better) – small enough to be inserted into the ear canal, such as 12mm or 14mm shungite mini-spheres.

Watch the video below to see the Ear-Brain Balancing Protocol in action – and, if you have COSMODIC and a pair of small shungite electrodes, follow along. Nicole promises, it’s going to feel good 🙂


Balance is controlled through signals to the brain from our sensory systems, such as our eyes, inner ear, proprioceptive mechanisms in the teeth, muscles, joints etc. When we are “out of balance”, organs and systems in our body are prone to malfunctioning and, eventually, dis-ease. Powerful yet gentle influence through one of the sensory systems can restore the body balance and promote many positive changes on several levels of our being.

The Ear-Brain Balancing Protocol addresses the body balancing through the inner ear, one of the most powerful balancing systems of the body, and the Ear Chakra.


1. Perform the Protocol on LOW energy settings. You can start on the lowest energy level and slightly increase it with time, but only slightly. COSMODIC signal does not have to be strong in order to be powerful.

2. Let the device DOSE (as COSMODIC devices Dose). If it Doses too fast (under a minute), continue your procedure for at least 2-3 min. Otherwise, you can finish when COSMODIC Doses.

3. Shungite electrodes do not have to be inserted too far into the ear canal and block it like earplugs. Just a gentle touch will suffice.

4. You may want to finish the Protocol with working on the Third Eye point, with both shungites.

5. The Protocol can be self-administered.

The EBB protocol can be used for quite a number of conditions, and not only by people with health problems, but also by healthy individuals – for stress relief, for “getting back in balance”, for boost of creativity and intuition, for chakra alignment, for increase of “connectedness” and awareness, and many other good things (to be discussed later).

We are hearing all sorts of interesting experiences and observations for all sorts of applications, ranging from treatment of vertigo to insomnia to triggering brain storming sessions to sudden epiphanies to (believe it or not) increasing range of motions in the shoulder joints!

It is too early to give you firm recommendations on one or another application. We need some time to accumulate statistically valid data. We also do not quite yet understand how the procedure works and what parts of our being it affects. But one thing is clear – it makes you HAPPIER, it makes you glow. Just look at these people, before and after the EBB (the pictures below are compliments of Nicole Pigeault).

Thank you, Nicole, for showing us yet another powerful way of using SKENAR and COSMODIC!

COSMODIC Therapy ABC: the Frequency Question
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