SKENAR in Your Home: All You Need is DOVE (scenar)

DOVE Is All You Need!

Deanna is a loving wife and a devoted working mother of two wonderful children – Joel, 18, and Meka, 16. Deanna’s husband Todd is an auto-mechanic, and Jeanne is a customer relations manager in a health business. The family is not rich, but they are all very happy together.

Deanna’s children are healthy, very social, and very active in sports.

In fact, last year Joel got his scholarship in D1 University by being an exceptional lacrosse player. He was already voted Freshman of the week 3 times this year and received the MVP (Most Valuable Player) award from his University. Deanna tries to attend as many Joel’s games as she can to cheer for her favorite player (sometimes even driving 5 hours one-way in a snowstorm), and Joel thinks his mom is the absolute best…

Yes, it all sounds like a perfect family life – but this life is also full of everyday challenges.

Most of these challenges are actually health-related. Even though Deanna’s children are overall strong and healthy, they play active sports, and that means a lot of traumas and injuries. Let’s just look at the last year “records”.

Meka, 16, damaged her knee ligaments and got shin splints, not mentioning constant sore feet and multiple and frequent sprains from her 8th year in the Advance Ballet; got a bleeding lip, as well as constantly sore muscles and bumps and bruises after every game of… you never guess – Rugby (!), and broke her foot playing Travel Basketball (yes, she does that too!).

Joel, 18, playing an offense position in lacrosse: pulled muscles; knee aches; constant bruises, general aches and pains from being repeatedly hit with a metal stick; a cracked rib; and, to add to the pile, a bone contusion from being hit behind the knees that required X-Rays and put him into crutches.

You would think, Deanna’s life is spent between hospital emergency rooms, pharmacies, and visits to a family physician with one or the other of her unstoppable children, right? WRONG!

Most of the above-mentioned conditions (as well as other daily health challenges not related to sports, such as seasonal allergies, colds, ear infections, upset stomachs etc.) were successfully resolved in the family without any doctor being involved.

You see, there is a special drawer… right beside the fridge in a kitchen. And in this drawer – THERE IS THE DOVE scenar! Any member of the family who needs emergency help grabs it, uses it – and puts in back in, for the next one to use.

As a result of this arrangement, Meka’s broken foot healed in 4 weeks with only 2 weeks in rehab therapy (physiotherapist was VERY impressed!), and Joel after his bone contusion was off the crutches and playing again in 4(!) days (which, BTW, did not make Deanna happy since she realizes probably better that Joel himself how his entire future of a lacrosse player with a sports scholarship depends on his good health and well functioning body).

Todd completely reversed his carpal tunnel syndrome (a pain for an auto-mechanic to have!), keeps his joints and muscles in a top shape for golf, and even a “nasty” (according to Deanna :-)) ganglion cyst on the top of his hand is gone. Deanna herself uses the DOVE scenar for headaches, belly cramps, allergies, sore back (fractured coccyx), car sickness, and any other health challenge her life presents without any consideration to the fact that she does not have time to get sick – she is too busy.

Despite any injuries, Deanna’s children almost never miss school or a game – and Deanna and Todd almost never miss a day of work. With all that happened, last year the family spent less than 100 dollars on medication, most of which was never used anyway. And why bother, if their Personal Health Assistant, their little DOVE scenar, can provide much better care of them than any drug?

With the DOVE scenar (and the SOLARIS Blanket, which the kids always fight over), Deanna and her loved ones always have a health assurance and a peace of mind knowing that no matter what happens, they have a way to provide the body with the best support, and right when the body needs it the most.

In Deanna’s family, everyone knows exactly what to do if something happens, where to get the DOVE scenar and the SOLARIS Blanket, and how to use them. And yet, the kids still prefer their mom treating them.

Deanna does not mind. These moments are so precious in their complete intimacy, so full of love – given and received. Who even knows what is more healing – the mother’s love or the DOVE (scenar)? Or the love vibrations that the DOVE scenar amplifies and transmits?

And does it really matter? It just somehow all works together.

J. Mathews, 2010

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