COSMODIC Results: Experience with COSMODIC EX735Ag

Experience with COSMODIC EX735Ag

© Dr. Laurence Brock

I have had good results with the LET Medical COSMODIC EX735Ag. Here are some of my thoughts and experiences.

I really like the EX735Ag. To use it properly does not require less skill or knowledge than the other SKENAR devices.

You might not need to know all of the objective SKENAR protocols but you do need the subjective skills that come with experience. The skills that tell you:

  1. When the patient is cooked.
  2. How much to push to make a change.
  3. How much change a patient can handle at one time.
  4. What the signals of the body are.
  5. Where in the healing cycle the patient and/or area is.
  6. How to spot the secondary asymmetries.

I would not want to be without at least one of the other SKENARs. If I had to choose between the EX735Ag and the 97.4 or Acuscen I do not know what I would do. My suggestion is to have both.

Each person is unique, each device is unique, and the interaction between each person and each device is unique. I have the EX735Ag (LET Medical), 97.4 (RITM), 97.4+ (American) and an Acuscen (Acuvision).
The EX735Ag is great. The good news and bad news is that it has a mind of its own.

Simply put, SKENAR therapy can be explained as breaking down unhealthy patterns, giving the body a new healthy direction, and supporting the body in this direction.

The EX735Ag is very helpful in breaking down the unhealthy patterns and supporting the body’s new more healthy direction. It is not always so good at helping the body choose a new healthy direction. It has a mind of its own. Sometimes the direction that the EX735Ag is choosing is different from the direction that I am choosing.

The COSMODIC EX735Ag has a very holistic approach. Again, good news and bad. It does not always let you work on a specific area or problem. For example, a small area of pain. Sometimes the EX735Ag wants to do more. If someone comes to you just for the pain the EX735Ag will work sometimes and other times go deeper and perhaps take more time and treatments.

There are four different signals given by the device as to when the area is complete. I have only once seen all of these signals at the same time.

It is more complex doing the objective SKENAR protocols with the EX735Ag. It is really a different device.

Here are two specific experiences with the COSMODIC EX735Ag.

The other day I treated my 7-month-old daughter with the EX735Ag. She was born with a lot of toxins in her system and had a virus. I have treated her many times with the Acuscen. I had always been a little reluctant to use the COSMODIC EX735Ag because of it having a mind of its own. But I got intuitively to use the EX735Ag. I checked her abdomen for stickiness and found one spot around her liver and one around her spleen. I went with the liver first. Once I have found the areas of stickiness, I generally do not paint with the EX735Ag but just leave it on the area. The change in her skin tone correlated to the auditory sign from the device that the area was complete, called a “full dose”. I moved the device to the spleen area. The change in skin tone happened before the device gave any indication of having dosed or full dosed. So I removed the device. The results where good. She was happier and her skin tone was more uniformed over her whole body and under her eyes compared to the rest of the face. And her belly compared to her face. About a half an hour later she had a large bowel movement. The treatment went well and only took about 10 minutes. The virus was gone.

About a month ago I had a patient with an extreme reaction to the COSMODIC EX735Ag. The end result was very good but I would not want to go through that again.

She first came to me with a severe rash. After about 5 treatments the rash was gone. There were still general signs of unhealth. She was overweight, her skin tone did not look healthy, and she was usually sweating and spacey when she came to see me. When her extreme response came, she had had about 15 treatments. I was beginning to wonder when a more dramatic shift was going to happen. Boy, did I find out!

I was treating her spine with the EX735Ag. I noticed a change of redness below her left scapula, around the adrenal area. I moved the COSMODIC EX735Ag to that area. I noticed her energy starting to shift. After about 30 seconds she said, “I am feeling weird”. I said that is good. Change is good. Then she said, “I am feeling very weird,” and she started to perspire. I took the device off. She became dizzy, continue to perspire and looked very pale. She walked to the bathroom with my help and threw up and had a very extreme bowel movement. I have had extreme responses to treatments before but this was the most. The EX735Ag is very powerful.

The next day I spoke to her, and she said she felt better than she had in a very long time. She has had four treatments since. She is doing well. My opinion is that her body was holding some very negative energy patterns for a very long time. Even though this pattern was restricting her health, it had become comfortable for her. She needed a big shift to let it go. She got that big shift and is now on her way to health.

I think the COSMODIC EX735Ag is a great tool. I do think it does a lot automatically. I do not think that you just place it on the body and it takes care of everything. The practitioner does need knowledge, skill and perhaps even wisdom to use it properly.

Dr. Laurence Brock
New Jersey, USA

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