Year: 2018

Bahamas - Yuri

COSMODIC Therapy: The SKENAR Philosophy by Dr. Yuri

Dr. Yuri Gorfinkel conducting a SKENAR workshop at the 1st International SKENAR Training in the Bahamas, January 1998 Dr. Yuri Gorfinkel was one of the first and the best SKENAR Practitioner and a brilliant SKENAR Trainer. His “Individual Results of SKENAR Therapy” are still an inspiration for all SKENAR therapists and an indication of what SKENAR…
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ANS balancing

SKENAR protocols: 3 min Ultimate Stress Relief with DOVE scenar

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.” The Serenity Prayer Reinold Niebuhr Chronic STRESS dressed as ANXIETY is quickly becoming a curse of the 21st-century human. It is everywhere, brought to us by information overload, time crunches,…
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Pirogov's Ring Protocol

Popular COSMODIC Protocols: “Pirogov’s Ring” Technique

“Pirogov’s Ring” is one of the most powerful SKENAR techniques to influence the Immune System eliciting the Relaxation Response at the same time. It came from the classical Russian SKENAR school and is named after a prominent Russian scientist of the 19th century and a famous surgeon Nikolay Pirogov. The “Pirogov’s Ring” is invaluable when…
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energy vortex

Dr. Karasev Tells a Hidden Secret of COSMODIC

Even though the SKENAR and COSMODIC technologies have been around for more than 30 years and by now have a proven record of high efficiency and amazing regenerative powers, they are still very much an enigma. No one actually knows exactly how SKENAR and, especially, COSMODIC work – and their creator Dr. Alexander Karasev from…
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Gallstone cool

COSMODIC Therapy: Kidney Stones and Gallstones

Are You Stoned? Let SKENAR Help. “I Am Stoned” “I was wakened in the early morning with lots of ugly pain in my abdomen… Kidney stone. I have been down that stony path before. After some time of suffering through the pain, I finally got the “bright” idea: how about I use my SKENAR? So…
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Little Wings graphic

Popular COSMODIC Protocols: “Little Wings” Technique

The “Little Wings” Technique came from the classical Russian SKENAR School. It is named after the effect it creates: the visible repeated involuntary contractions of the neck and shoulder muscles resembling “flapping of the wings”. The “Little Wings” Technique is a quick and efficient way to: remove tension in the neck and shoulders typically caused…
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