COSMODIC Devices: EX735 Slider – The Practitioner’s Choice

I use the LET Medical EX735Ag Slider in my practice for quite some time (in fact, since it first came out in 2010 or so). So here is a little bit of why I think the EX735 Slider is such a wonderful device.

I’ve used SKENARs for years and participated in the first pilot study on orthopedic pain by an orthopedic surgeon who happened to be my daughter’s surgeon. Since that time I have owned probably 9 SKENARs searching for the best device for my daughter. This led me to devices created by the original SKENAR inventor, Alexander Karasev (LET Medical). What seemed apparent during this search was that the copied or cloned SKENARs would work, just not nearly as well as the devices that Alexander designed. Cloned SKENARs also seem to suffer from early accommodation effects.

The creation of the COSMODIC ® technology platform enabled a gentler approach and one that created more of an informational exchange with the body.

SKENAR devices (first generation SKENARs) are aggressive. They work with one feedback loop based on the electrical nature of the cells and amplify the pathogenic signals of the body so the body will go back and complete the healing process that has stagnated. Because of this SKENARs tend to utilize the Peripheral Nervous System and are looking back at what happened to increase the efficiency of the cell from its present state.

COSMODIC devices (second generation SKENARs) are more gentle. COSMODIC uses 46 feedback loops and amplifies the restorative/regenerative signals of the body predicting what informational signal would help the cell go back to the more healthy state. COSMODIC ® is a forward-looking technology and tends to create microresonances with the Central Nervous System.

What becomes evident is that the two systems are optimum to have depending on what is going on with the body; for acute musculoskeletal issues SKENAR is the choice, but for chronic problems, COSMODIC ® technology is vastly superior.

What if you had one device that would automatically select the best approach? Enter the LET Medical EX735 devices (Modific and Slider). The EX735 Modific would select which is best – either SKENAR or COSMODIC ®, and then proceed until the system dosed. When you consider what is going on it makes more sense to create a signal that would include both the SKENAR and COSOMODIC at the same time, sliding cleanly from the more aggressive signal to the more restorative signal with the optimum ratio of them. This is the SLIDER Technology.

I used to carry 3 devices with me at all times. Now I carry one: the LET Medical EX735Ag Slider. It is the fastest responding device I have used to date out of; AcuSCEN Pro, RITM-Pro, RITM, BioModulator, InterX, DOVE scenar, C-Dove, 705mini, and even the LET Medical EX735Ag Modific.

It is by far the easiest to use. The COSMODIC ® technology has greatly simplified protocols so that there are fewer practitioner errors; simply place the device on where it hurts most and wait for the dose signal. Then move the device to the next highest point of pain…. There are other classic protocols to follow, but getting up to speed is very easy. Plus the automation will select the proper settings and power.

It is like having Alexander Karasev in the device selecting what to do next. It just doesn’t get any easier than that.

The LET Medical EX735Ag Slider has been without a doubt the most effective COSMODIC I’ve used on a variety of acute and chronic issues. Our clients love it. I’m very glad I own one.

Michael Beasley MS, NCBTMB, AIBT
Austin, TX
(512) 377-1341

P.S. To see the CASE STUDIES Mike Beasley performed on the EX735Ag Slider GO HERE.

COSMODIC Results: First EX735 SLIDER Case Studies
COSMODIC EX735Ag Slider x2 Has a Twin Sister – EX735Cu!

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • This has been recommended for my dog who has had a ligament operation (TLOP) which was successful but now has swelling,loss of range of movement and decreased muscle tone due to not being able to walk as far. The surgeon feels it is a torn meniscus (x-ray only shows swelling).
    She has had laser treatment before, immedistely post-op.
    How would the Cosmodic work?

    • LET Health
      27/11/2024 2:00 PM

      Dear Maria,

      Thank you for your interest in our energy healing technologies.

      You would like to know if COSMODIC and/or ENS can help with your dog’s slow recovery after a joint surgery. The short answer – yes, they most likely can, even though there are no guarantees in health and healing. COSMODIC devices work on animals just as well as they work on humans. There are just some technical particularities.

      COSMODIC and, especially, ENS are among the most advanced energy medicine technologies of our time. We are still in awe of what they can do to help the body heal itself.
      How do they do it? Here is an important point to understand. COSMODIC and ENS are not disease-specific; they are universal healers. They do not fight the ill-health conditions themselves but rather jump-start and dramatically accelerate the body’s own ability to heal and regenerate – and the stronger body does the rest. In other words, COSMODIC and ENS do not target disease – they are focused on making the body much more efficient in protecting and healing itself. That includes healing and regeneration after traumas, injuries, and surgery, when our technologies can help finalize recovery and restore the lost functions completely, even when the body itself cannot do it, for one reason or another. (In order to better understand how COSMODIC works and how it can help you and your loved ones, CLICK HERE.)

      We cannot give you specifics of how long the process will take or to which extent the condition can be helped. All that depends a great deal on the particularities of one’s condition, the general state of health and environment. We can, however, confidently say that regular use of COSMODIC and/or ENS will provide you and your entire family (including, of course, your dog) with long-lasting health benefits that very few other healing technologies can offer (if any).

      Hope it answers your question.

      Kind regards,

  • Jeff Fountain
    18/05/2023 10:48 AM

    I want to know about this. I’m a retired chiropractor. I thought my laser was hot stuff now my friend is telling me that the laser is puny compared to this. I

    • Both adaptive electrostem technologies (SCENAR, COSMODIC, ENS) and Low Level LASER are very effective in speeding up healing from a wide variety of ill-health conditions, but they have a different MOA (mechanism of action). Moreover, they are extremely complementary and synergistic enhancing each other when used together. We will email you some information of the topic.


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