“Modific or Mini… That Is The Question”

© by Dr. Alexander Karasev

It is not a question if you can afford anything you want. Imagine…

EX735Ag Modific Slider I have at home for my family, EX715Ag — specifically for my wife, PS705Ag I will keep in my car, PS705Fe I will give to my kids, to smooth over school bruises, and the most “biting” — VX735, will be for my mother-in-law. And The DOVE scenar for granny. And everybody is happy!”

Nice dream, isn’t it? And nothing like that in real life.

However… when you have a SKENAR device at home, sooner or later you will want another one, or two… that is for sure. It is not because you are greedy; it is because you are confident in this device, as you already know that it will always help. With time, being without a SKENAR or COSMODIC seems unthinkable. You will always have it at hand: when you travel, when you go on holiday, when you are at work. This is the undeniable truth.

But the question remains, which device is the best? I cannot give you an answer. I have spent 37 years creating SKENAR devices… for me, they are all my children… how can I tell? Each of them has its own charisma.

Why do we have so many of them? Yes, the unique SKENAR device can help in all situations and treat all diseases, but…. it is not yet a panacea for ALL health problems you may have, even though we all would love it be so! That is the reason we have them so many — altogether they are quite something!

There is always something exclusive, “cosmic” — a COSMODIC Modific Slider, and something inexpensive and very simple for everyone – The DOVE scenar

It is all began with the SKENAR-035 (or “troika”), a legend! “Troika” gave birth to the whole lineage of SKENAR devices on the planet Earth, including some SKENAR copycats: SKENAR 97.4… DENAS… ACUSCEN… INTERIX-5000…

SKENAR-035M, or the DOVE scenar

Main purpose of design: Very-very simple, but universal.

It is a reincarnation of the legend. The most affordable device, which can treat many diseases. Very compact size with not too many features and no extra bells and whistles. Can work fully automatically or be operated manually, with the help of a navigator-wheel.

People call it “a device for babushka” (there is no exact translation into English for the vivid Russian word “babushka”, so I have to use it “as is”… the closest would be a “grandmother” though).

It can do a little here and a little there, when the body has numerous diseases and problems, which need to be taken care of all the time. And, of course, it will help anybody, not just “babushka”.

Those whose hands are not “smart” enough, can just lie on it and let it do the job. This is really a “people’s device”.

COSMODIC 705mini, or the C-DOVE

Main purpose of design: First-aid, travel.    

Our smallest, “baby” COSMODIC.  Such a cutie! Always comes to the rescue. Very power-saving, extremely small, and does not need any remote electrodes (it has two built-in electrodes which can work on both big and small areas). This makes it so easy having it always in your pocket.

This device will always help you when you are going out, no matter what happens. Its main mission is to relieve pain quickly and only after that start treatment. That’s how its algorithms are arranged.

 Automatic function is extremely simple — just place it on the skin and let it do the job. Even though it is small, it is very powerful! Headache, toothache, pains in the back, bruises, cuts… or if you ate something not so good… just place it on the place that hurts and let it work. With this device you can feel secure when you work, or go on a business trip.

You can’t help falling in love with this baby! It is unique because it can be with you the moment you need it. This is invaluable, when you or someone near you needs help.


Main purpose of design:Multi-purpose therapeutic device, for home use and travel.   

Robust PS705Ag(Fe) is a “do-all” device. It can work with any remote electrodes, even vaginal and rectal ones. This is the most reliable device! Its mission is travelling… in your car glove box. It will survive any shakes and even some drops.

As for peculiarities of treatment, this is really a multi-purpose device. Having such device and not keeping it in your car would be stupid, to put it mildly. Those car first-aid kits would hardly ever help you much. The PS705 will manage sudden acute pains, or chronic condition which may disturb you so unexpectedly and so untimely, and it will even keep you up in case of serious injury or shock condition. Whatever happens on the road – this device will always help!

You will start really valuing it once it comes in handy. You will realize how lucky you are to have it, when there is nobody else to help… and you will always remember the day this device helped you.


Main purpose of design:Universal therapeutic device, advanced for cosmetology treatment.

Our lady EX715Ag… What are men without women? What are women without such a device? Health is not the only thing they need. They want to be beautiful, and stay young forever!

Sweet dreams, and not ungrounded. This device can do it! It’s a perfect thing to fit into a woman’s purse. Since women want it all and now, this device can do All and Now. It has everything women dream of. Cosmetology treatment for the face, body, and even legs. Very important accessory for this device is a vaginal electrode, which can manage PMS, psychosis and nervous breakdown so well. Operating it is easy even for “blonds”! 🙂

Being also a very powerful therapeutic device, it can also take care of the whole family, like mommy.


Main purpose of design:Powerful device for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, traumas and injuries.   

Device with male personality — VX735Ag. Intended for treatment of sports injuries. Can eliminate huge haematoma within 5-7 minutes. Will need even less time to cope with a sprain. This device has the most powerful output stage and can manage any injury within several minutes.

Very reliable and has big resource. It can work for many years without need for repair. Of course, it will perfectly treat old (chronic) diseases and will help those who suffer from diabetes and other complicated conditions, as this is a professional device. Since traumas and locomotory system disorders are the most typical problems, which we face nearly every day, such device is a must at home as a first-aid kit.

COSMODIC EX735Ag Modific Slider

Main purpose of design: Treatment of variety of acute and chronic diseases, even on a deeper than physical levels; disorders of emotional and spiritual origin, disorders of psyche.

This device deserves a novel! It is on top of the SKENAR evolutionEX735 Modific Slider! It is the one we are the most proud of. This is the first device, in which we could unite nearly all beneficial features of other devices, and achieve almost miraculous results. This device is our newest, but it has already gained indisputable authority.

Saying that it can do everything would be incorrect… SKENAR is continually evolving, and this device is not the end. However, abilities of EX735 Modific Slider surprise us every day… it can even handle Parkinson’s disease and many other conditions which until now have been regarded as incurable.

On the one hand, it’s an extremely sophisticated device. On the other hand, even a 3 year old can handle it.

Yes, this device is an instrument for a real professional and in skilful hands can work wonders. But it also invaluable when life drives you into a corner and you need it at home to be able to help yourself or your loved ones!

When every family has Modific, we all will be rich… rich in health and soul.

COSMODIC Results: Experience with COSMODIC EX735Ag
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