Year: 2017

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COSMODIC Therapy ABC: The Secret of Small Asymmetry

The Small Asymmetry © Dr. Irina K, 2004 I hope this short article not only explains the phenomenon of Small Asymmetry (SA) but also conveys the uniqueness of SKENAR as the most dynamic and adaptive method of non-invasive therapy; the one that allows a real-time dialogue with the body, in which the SA is a…
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COSMODIC Results: New COSMODIC 715 – just for Beauty or Much More?

COSMODIC EX715Ag was initially released to the world in 2005 as the first-ever fully COSMODIC device. It was designed mostly for women with enhanced cosmetology features – and COSMODIC 715 definitely had a lady-like personality: sophisticated, elegant, efficient, but often capricious, temperamental, and unpredictable. Overall, amazing and beautiful – and not easy to love. Besides,…
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Alexander Karasev: Why Do We Have Many Models?

“Modific or Mini… That Is The Question” © by Dr. Alexander Karasev It is not a question if you can afford anything you want. Imagine… “EX735Ag Modific Slider I have at home for my family, EX715Ag — specifically for my wife, PS705Ag I will keep in my car, PS705Fe I will give to my kids, to smooth over school bruises,…
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COSMODIC ex735ag

COSMODIC Results: Experience with COSMODIC EX735Ag

Experience with COSMODIC EX735Ag © Dr. Laurence Brock I have had good results with the LET Medical COSMODIC EX735Ag. Here are some of my thoughts and experiences. I really like the EX735Ag. To use it properly does not require less skill or knowledge than the other SKENAR devices. You might not need to know all…
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COSMODIC Therapy ABC: How The Healing Triangle Works

SKENAR Therapy: Healing Interactions SKENAR Therapy is different from most other therapies that usually include “Client-Practitioner” interactions. During a SKENAR session, THREE systems come together: a Client (incoherent at the moment due to a disease), a Therapist (a stronger, more coherent system), and a SKENAR device (functioning as a living system when in contact with…
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How Does COSMODIC Work video title

What Is SKENAR and What Is COSMODIC Video Introductions

These two video tutorials present two amazing energy healing technologies – SKENAR and COSMODIC ®. If you are a SiFi fan like us, then you probably remember the famous Star Trek TV series, the first one. Have you ever wondered if that ‘Star Trek’ healing device that Dr. MacCoy used, the one that helps the…
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Yuri Gorfinkel

COSMODIC Therapy ABC: How to Optimize COSMODIC Therapy

Theoretical and Practical Basis for the Increase of Effectiveness of SKENAR therapy © 1996 by Yuri Gorfinkel, M.D. Users of our devices already know how effective SKENAR therapy can be, even if you are a novice. Constant education, lectures, practical studies have certainly increased the capabilities of SKENAR practitioners. A SKENAR therapist who is practicing…
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What is COSMODIC and How It Differs from SKENAR

COSMODIC ® – RE-GENERATE Your Life! Let us introduce you to COSMODIC ® – the first energy healing technology that is capable of promoting not only healing but actual REGENERATION. COSMODIC triggers restoration on a cellular level, making your body even stronger than it was before a disease or injury. COSMODIC ® is the latest in the evolution of SKENAR technology, which was developed by…
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SKENAR in Your Home: All You Need is DOVE (scenar)

DOVE Is All You Need! Deanna is a loving wife and a devoted working mother of two wonderful children – Joel, 18, and Meka, 16. Deanna’s husband Todd is an auto-mechanic, and Jeanne is a customer relations manager in a health business. The family is not rich, but they are all very happy together. Deanna’s…
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A. Karasev on SKENAR evolution: TENS, SKENAR, COSMODIC

SKENAR evolution: TENS, SKENAR, COSMODIC © by Dr. Alexander Karasev, 2011 TENS, SKENAR, COSMODIC… What’s Next? Alexander Karasev, the founder of “LET Medical” Research Lab, has developed three generations of technologies which allow health restoration without medications: TENS — the technology of effective electronic pain relief, SKENAR — the technology of drug-free treatment, COSMODIC ®…
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