Month: February 2018

Pirogov's Ring Protocol

Popular COSMODIC Protocols: “Pirogov’s Ring” Technique

“Pirogov’s Ring” is one of the most powerful SKENAR techniques to influence the Immune System eliciting the Relaxation Response at the same time. It came from the classical Russian SKENAR school and is named after a prominent Russian scientist of the 19th century and a famous surgeon Nikolay Pirogov. The “Pirogov’s Ring” is invaluable when…
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energy vortex

Dr. Karasev Tells a Hidden Secret of COSMODIC

Even though the SKENAR and COSMODIC technologies have been around for more than 30 years and by now have a proven record of high efficiency and amazing regenerative powers, they are still very much an enigma. No one actually knows exactly how SKENAR and, especially, COSMODIC work – and their creator Dr. Alexander Karasev from…
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