Year: 2019

lymphatic system in brain

New Discovery in Neuroscience and What It Means to You

Left – how it was viewed before; right – how it is viewed now That is not often that real breakthroughs happen in the brain studies – and the latest one will, apparently, overturn decades of textbook teachings in medical schools. Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain…
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Electronic butterflies

COSMODIC Devices: Care for Your COSMODIC

COSMODIC devices are much more than just sophisticated machines. We all know that. They are your trusted friends, your Personal Health Assistants, your 21st Century Medicine Chest, your “ER in a pocket”, and so many other things. COSMODIC devices have one job – to keep your pain away, and they do it well: quickly, safely, effectively,…
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woman health

COSMODIC Therapy: Influencing The Female Vitality Point

There are a few points on the human body that, when stimulated, have profound effect on your health and well-being. SP6  acupuncture point (Spleen 6, or San Yin Jiao) is one of them. It is also called the Female Vitality Point for its powerful influence on woman’s health. The location of the Spleen 6 is…
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To use the coupon, please add both the Slider x2/x3 or ENS and the DOVE to the shopping cart and enter “friendsandfamily“ in the coupon box.

Friends and Family Coupon!

To use the coupon, please add both the Slider x2/x3 or ENS and the DOVE to the shopping cart and enter “friendsandfamily“ in the coupon box. We’re continuing our overwhelmingly popular 2018 holiday promotion into 2019 for all purchases of EX735Ag Slider x3 and ENS devices – a free DOVE device that you can share…
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Silver, copper, and gold

COSMODIC electrodes – silver, copper, or stainless steel?

Copper, silver, and gold are called the currency metals since they have been used in coins since the beginning of money. They are also called noble metals, and all others base metals. They are the royal family of the periodic table, family IB. Their alchemical symbols are the signs of three brightest planets, the Sun,…
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Healing is voltage

SKENAR Theory: as per Dr. Tennant, “Healing is Voltage”. Is it?

Recently Dr. Mercola, osteopathic physician and a well-known proponent of alternative medicine, published an interview that he conducted with Dr. Jerry Tennant, an ophthalmologist and a creator of the Tennant Biomodulator – a SKENAR-type device widely distributed in the USA. Here is Dr. Mercola’s article written following that interview: Dr. Tennant has published a…
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